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Editing levels for 3DGE is quite simple. However, there are a few things that may be taken into consideration before you begin creating your own worlds.

Map Editing Software

You can create levels for 3DGE using Doom Builder 2 & Eureka Editor. If you prefer to use GZDOOM Builder, or a modern level editor, you will need to create configuration files for 3DGE. This also includes configuration files to reference each line, sector and thing function. Doom Builder 2 provides the configurations needed for 3DGE's special features, such as 3D Floors, Deep Water (Swim-able) sectors, Translucency line specials, and many more.

Doom Builder 2[1]

A well-known interface for editing, it is a great tool to sculpt out your level design. Use this program to lay down your basic layout, place things, set up linedefs/action specials and sector effects. Although these functions are from the previous EDGE, here is a list of the actions Doom Builder 2 provides for the engine:

EDGE Linedef Specials

(400-402) - Thick Extra Floor (Dummy Sector), (Master Upper Texture), (Master Lower Texture)
(403-408) - Liquid Extra Floor (Solid, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, Invisible)
(409-412) - Translucent Linedef (20%, 40%, 60%, 80%)
(413-417) - Thin Extra Floor (Opaque, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%)
(418-421) - Enable Tagged RTS (Switch Once, Switch Repeatable, Walk Once, Walk Repeatable)

(422-429) - Scroll Texture (Right, Up, Down, Left & Up, Left & Down, Right & Up, Right & Down, Fast Lower & Mid Texture (useful for liquid waterfalls))
(430-433) - Thick Translucent Liquid Extra Floor Scroll (Down, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%)

(434-439) - Raise Floor 2 Units (Also works with RTS) (Switch Once, Switch Repeatable, Walk Once, Walk Repeatable)
(440-441) - Enable Tagged RTS ( [G1]Shoot Once, [GR]Shoot Repeatable)
(442-453) - Sliding Door (Left, Right, Center, Monsters [can trigger this action], Fast, Switch Once, Switch Repeatable)

3DGE Sector Specials

18 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North";
19 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North East";
20 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH East";
21 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South East";
22 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South";
23 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South West";
24 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH West";
25 = "Water Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North West";
26 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North";
27 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North East";
28 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH East";
29 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South East";
30 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South";
31 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South West";
32 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH West";
33 = "Slime Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North West";
34 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North";
35 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North East";
36 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH East";
37 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South East";
38 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South";
39 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH South West";
40 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH West";
41 = "Lava Liquid Extrafloor SCROLL/PUSH North West";
42 = "Push North";
43 = "Push North East";
44 = "Push East";
45 = "Push South East";
46 = "Push South";
47 = "Push South West";
48 = "Push West";
49 = "Push North West";
50 = "Scroll Floor Texture North";
51 = "Scroll Floor Texture North East";
52 = "Scroll Floor Texture East";
53 = "Scroll Floor Texture South East";
54 = "Scroll Floor Texture South";
55 = "Scroll Floor Texture South West";
56 = "Scroll Floor Texture West";
57 = "Scroll Floor Texture North West";
58 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push North";
59 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push North East";
60 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push East";
61 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push South East";
62 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push South";
63 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push South West";
64 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push West";
65 = "Scroll Floor Texture/Push North West";
66 = "Blue Hue (Swimable Water)";
67 = "Green Hue";
68 = "Green Hue + Damage";
69 = "Red Hue";
70 = "Red Hue + Damage";

3DGE-specific Things

monsters { color = 12; // Light Red arrow = 1; title = "Monsters"; width = 20; sort = 1; height = 56; hangs = 0; blocking = 1; error = 2;

888 { title = "Dog"; height = 32; }

4050 { title = "Stealth Arachnotron"; height = 32; }

4051 { title = "Stealth Archvile"; height = 32; }

4052 { title = "Stealth Baron of Hell"; height = 32; }

4053 { title = "Stealth Cacodemon"; height = 32; }

4054 { title = "Stealth Heavy weapon dude"; height = 32; }

4055 { title = "Stealth Demon"; height = 32; }

4056 { title = "Stealth Hell knight"; height = 32; }

4057 { title = "Stealth Imp"; height = 32; } 4058 { title = "Stealth Mancubus"; height = 32; }

4059 { title = "Stealth Revenant"; height = 32; }

4060 { title = "Stealth Shotgun Guy"; height = 32; }

4061 { title = "Stealth Zombie man"; height = 32; }

7100 { title = "EDGE Revenant MKII"; height = 32; }

7101 { title = "EDGE Teleport spawner"; height = 32; }

7102 { title = "Arachnotron MKII"; height = 32; }

7103 { title = "Mancubus MKII"; height = 32; } }

powerups { color = 9; // Light Blue arrow = 0; title = "Powerups"; width = 20; height = 20; hangs = 0; blocking = 0; sort = 1;

7000 { title = "EDGE Nightvision Specs"; sprite = "PMAPA0";


7020 { title = "EDGE Jetpack"; sprite = "SUITA0"; } }

Notice that the old EDGE configurations do not include the new armor and key things 3DGE provides. This is where you must add the new things by defining them in your DDF lumps and Editor-of-Choice. Alternatively, you can find this information via the "Includes" folder within your Doom Builder "Configurations" folder. All config files can be accessed via Notepad, or your friendly neighborhood text editor.

EUREKA Doom Editor 1.07[2]

A current build of Eureka will provide you with built in configurations. This program was created to work alongside Odamex, Legacy, Boom, Vanilla, and x(Zdoom). The interface is simple, primitive yet powerful in building the necessary GL nodes for 3DGE. Use this editor alongside Doom Builder to maximize the benefit of using 3D Floors, and all of 3DGE's features. You can find all of the correct, up-to-date actions and specials for 3DGE via "ports" entitled "edge.ugh".

Play around with these tools until you discover your learning curve. Using Doom Builder 2 for sketching/detailing, and booting Eureka for it's GL node building and access to the correct features is a fantastic way to gain experience modding for 3DGE.

WAD Editors

You will require a wad-editing tool for pre/post-production of your mods and levels. If you wish to add custom music, sprites, sounds, graphics, and new texture patches; You have a plethora of assets to choose from:


An editor of the mid-to-late new millenium (2000s), this tool is a great workspace to understand the structure of WADs, PWADS, IWADS, and a WAD of your own.

XWE (eXtendable WAD Editor)

A team player in the past endeavors of the Doom Community, XWE was well-used and utilized for it's Colormap features, adding text documents (DDF, DECORATE, DeHackeD, etc.) without functionality loss, even altering color palettes to bring a fresh look to the 256 byte range of color. It's old, but it works.


You've heard of it, and you're probably using it. SLADE(3) has walked in the footsteps of its predecessors, while functioning to be a well-rounded editor for multiple purposes. From a built-in native editor (No 3DGE Configurations), to MD2, Md3 model support, Voxel support, generating PLAYPALs with ease, converting PNGs into Doom paletted graphics, easy Texture definitions, it is raveling to have such a versatile interface in your hands.

If you want to use SLADE for WAD Editing, but need XWE for raw lump handling, experiment!

Creating your own world within Doom leaves room for ton of imagination and ideas. Create a run-down tech base, or send your marine into the woods to fight ancient demons whilst braving traps. Creation has given you the 3DGE you need.