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Revision as of 15:46, 8 June 2015 by Corbin (talk | contribs) (created CVARs)

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The following is an ever-growing list of CVARs that the 3DGE Console supports:

Console commands:

  args  ...              Just prints the arguments (for testing)
  crc   <lump>           Computes the CRC value of a wad lump
  dir  [<path> <mask>]   Display contents of a directory     
  exec  <filename>       Executes console commands from a file
  help                   Prints a summary of console usage
  map   <mapname>        Jump to a new map (like IDCLEV cheat)
  playsound  <sound>     Plays the sound
  resetvars              Reset all cvars and settings
  showcmds               Show all console commands
  showvars  [-l]         Show all console variables              
  showjoysticks          Show all available joysticks
  showfiles              Show all loaded files
  showlumps  <file-idx>  Show all lumps in a wad file
  type  <filename>       Displays the contents of a text file
  version                Show the 3DGE version
  quit                   Quit 3DGE (pops up a query message)
  <varname>              Show value of a console variable
  <varname>  <value>     Set the value of a console variable

Console variables:

  language               Current language setting
  aggression             monster aggression (EDGE feature)
  goobers                flatten out levels (EDGE feature)

  ddf_strict             Errors: be as strict as possible
  ddf_lax                Errors: be as forgiving as possible
  ddf_quiet              Disables all warning messages

  in_grab                Grab the mouse cursor
  in_keypad              Enables the numeric keypad
  in_stageturn           Two-stage turning (keyboard & joystick)
  in_warpmouse           Warp the cursor to get relative motion

  joy_dead               Joystick dead zone  (0.0 - 0.8)
  joy_peak               Joystick peak point (0.4 - 1.0)
  joy_tuning             Joystick fine tune  (0.2 - 5.0, normally 1)

  m_diskicon             Enables the flashing disk icon
  m_busywait             Smoother gameplay vs less CPU utilisation

  am_smoothing           Enables smoother lines on the automap
  r_fadepower            Powerup effects smoothly fade out

  r_crosshair            Crosshair to draw (1-9, 0 for none)
  r_crosscolor           Crosshair color (0-7)
  r_crosssize            Crosshair size (16 is normal)
  r_crossbright          Crosshair brightness (0.1 - 1.0)
  r_nearclip             OpenGL near distance (default 4)
  r_farclip              OpenGL far distance  (default 64000)
  r_lerp                 Rendering Interpolation (default is 1)
  r_maxfps               Set MaxFPS for Interpolation (default is 60)
  r_vsync                Turns Vsync on or off (default is 1)

  debug_fullbright       Debugging: draw everything full-bright
  debug_hom              Debugging: show missing textures
  debug_joyaxis          Debugging: print joystick axis events
  debug_mouse            Debugging: print mouse events
  debug_pos              Debugging: show player's location
  debug_fps              Debugging: show frames-per-second