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Revision as of 19:22, 29 April 2016 by Corbin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Contained is the COAL_API.EC file, which is the HOST API for COAL, and cannot be modified without also modifying the engine.''' //-----------------------------------------...")

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Contained is the COAL_API.EC file, which is the HOST API for COAL, and cannot be modified without also modifying the engine.

//------------------------------------------ // BASIC COAL DEFINITIONS for 3DGE //------------------------------------------


module sys {

   constant TICRATE = 35
   function error(s : string) = native
   function print(s : string) = native
   function debug_print(s : string) = native
   function edge_version() : float = native



module math {

   constant pi = 3.1415926535897932384
   constant e  = 2.7182818284590452354
   function rint (val) : float = native
   function floor(val) : float = native
   function ceil (val) : float = native
   function cos(val)   : float = native
   function sin(val)   : float = native
   function tan(val)   : float = native
   function log(val)   : float = native
   function acos(val)  : float = native
   function asin(val)  : float = native
   function atan(val)  : float = native
   function atan2(x,y) : float = native
   function random() : float = native
   function rand_range(low, high) : float =
     return low + (high - low) * random()
   function getx(v : vector) : float = { return v * '1 0 0' }
   function gety(v : vector) : float = { return v * '0 1 0' }
   function getz(v : vector) : float = { return v * '0 0 1' }
   function abs(n) : float =
     if (n < 0) return 0 - n
     return n
   function sqrt(n) : float =
     return n ^ 0.5
   function vlen(v : vector) : float =
     return (v * v) ^ 0.5
   function min(a, b) : float =
     if (a < b) return a
     return b
   function max(a, b) : float =
     if (a > b) return a
     return b
   function normalize(v : vector) : vector =
     var len = vlen(v)
     if (len <= 0) return '0 0 0'
     return v * (1 / len)



module strings {

   function len(s : string) : float = native
   function sub(s : string, start, end) : string = native
   function tonumber(s : string) : float = native



module hud {

   var which
   var automap
   var now_time
   var passed_time
   var last_time = -1
   // handy colors
   constant NO_COLOR = '-1 -1 -1'
   constant BLACK  = '0 0 0'
   constant WHITE  = '255 255 255'
   constant RED    = '255 0 0'
   constant GREEN  = '0 255 0'
   constant BLUE   = '0 0 255'
   constant YELLOW = '255 255 0'
   constant PURPLE = '255 0 255'
   constant CYAN   = '0 255 255'
   constant ORANGE = '255 160 0'
   constant GRAY   = '128 128 128'
   // automap options
   constant AM_GRID     = 1   // also a color
   constant AM_ALLMAP   = 2   // also a color
   constant AM_WALLS    = 3   // also a color
   constant AM_THINGS   = 4
   constant AM_FOLLOW   = 5
   constant AM_ROTATE   = 6
   // automap colors
   constant AM_STEP     = 4
   constant AM_LEDGE    = 5
   constant AM_CEIL     = 6
   constant AM_SECRET   = 7
   constant AM_PLAYER   = 8
   constant AM_MONSTER  = 9
   constant AM_CORPSE   = 10
   constant AM_ITEM     = 11
   constant AM_MISSILE  = 12
   constant AM_SCENERY  = 13
   function game_mode() : string = native
   function game_name() : string = native
   function map_name()  : string = native
   function map_title() : string = native
   function which_hud() : float = native
   function check_automap() : float = native
   function get_time()  : float = native
   function coord_sys(w, h) = native
   function text_font(font : string) = native
   function text_color(color : vector) = native
   function set_scale(scale : float) = native
   function set_alpha(alpha : float) = native
   function set_render_who(index) = native
   function automap_color(which, color : vector) = native
   function automap_option(which, value) = native
   function automap_zoom(zoom) = native
   function solid_box(x, y, w, h, color : vector) = native
   function solid_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, color : vector) = native
   function thin_box(x, y, w, h, color : vector) = native
   function gradient_box(x, y, w, h, TL:vector, BL:vector, TR:vector, BR:vector) = native
   function draw_image(x, y, image : string) = native
   function stretch_image(x, y, w, h, image : string) = native
   function tile_image(x, y, w, h, image : string, offset_x, offset_y) = native
   function draw_text(x, y, text : string) = native

function draw_num(x, y, w, num) = native

   function draw_num2(x, y, w, num) = native
   function render_world(x, y, w, h)   = native
   function render_automap(x, y, w, h) = native
   function play_sound(sound : string) = native
   function grab_times() =
     now_time = get_time()
     passed_time = 0
     if (last_time > 0 && last_time <= now_time)
       passed_time = math.min(now_time - last_time, sys.TICRATE)
     last_time = now_time



module player {

   // ammo
   constant BULLETS  = 1
   constant SHELLS   = 2
   constant ROCKETS  = 3
   constant CELLS    = 4
   constant PELLETS  = 5
   constant NAILS    = 6
   constant GRENADES = 7
   constant GAS      = 8
   // armors
   constant GREEN_ARMOR  = 1
   constant BLUE_ARMOR   = 2
   constant PURPLE_ARMOR = 3
   constant YELLOW_ARMOR = 4
   constant RED_ARMOR    = 5
   // powerups
   constant INVULN    = 1
   constant BERSERK   = 2
   constant INVIS     = 3
   constant ACID_SUIT = 4
   constant AUTOMAP   = 5
   constant GOGGLES   = 6
   constant JET_PACK  = 7
   constant NIGHT_VIS = 8
   constant SCUBA     = 9
   // keys
   constant BLUE_CARD    = 1
   constant YELLOW_CARD  = 2
   constant RED_CARD     = 3
   constant GREEN_CARD   = 4
   constant BLUE_SKULL   = 5
   constant YELLOW_SKULL = 6
   constant RED_SKULL    = 7
   constant GREEN_SKULL  = 8
   constant GOLD_KEY     = 9
   constant SILVER_KEY   = 10
   constant BRASS_KEY    = 11
   constant COPPER_KEY   = 12
   constant STEEL_KEY    = 13
   constant WOODEN_KEY   = 14
   constant FIRE_KEY     = 15
   constant WATER_KEY    = 16
   function num_players()  = native
   function set_who(index) = native
   function is_bot()    : float  = native
   function get_name()  : string = native
   function get_pos()   : vector = native
   function get_angle() : float  = native
   function get_mlook() : float  = native
   function health()      : float = native
   function armor(type)   : float = native
   function total_armor() : float = native
   function ammo(type)    : float = native
   function ammomax(type) : float = native
   function frags()       : float = native
   function is_swimming()  : float = native
   function is_jumping()   : float = native
   function is_crouching() : float = native
   function is_using()     : float = native
   function is_action1()   : float = native
   function is_action2()   : float = native
   function is_attacking() : float = native
   function is_rampaging() : float = native
   function is_grinning()  : float = native
   function under_water()  : float = native
   function on_ground()    : float = native
   function move_speed()   : float = native
   function air_in_lungs() : float = native
   function has_key(key)     : float = native
   function has_power(type)  : float = native
   function power_left(type) : float = native
   function has_weapon(name : string) : float = native
   function has_weapon_slot(slot) : float = native
   function cur_weapon()         : string = native
   function cur_weapon_slot(slot) : float = native
   function main_ammo(clip)   : float = native
   function ammo_type(ATK)    : float = native
   function ammo_pershot(ATK) : float = native
   function clip_ammo(ATK)    : float = native
   function clip_size(ATK)    : float = native
   function clip_is_shared()  : float = native
   function hurt_by()   : string = native
   function hurt_mon()  : string = native
   function hurt_pain()  : float = native
   function hurt_dir()   : float = native
   function hurt_angle() : float = native
